Some physiological effects of massage

Some physiological effects of massage

The physical effects of massage therapy can improve or relieve pain and reduce the possibility of injury in several ways. Massage increases the health of the body’s internal tissues, improving circulation of blood and nutrients.

Massage involves two types of responses:

• Mechanical responses as a result of pressure and movement as soft tissues are manipulated

• Reflex responses in which nerves respond to stimulation.

Massages allow more fluids and nutrients to flow through the tissue. Waste products are disposed of and again oxygen and nutrients are supplied.

Stretching the tissues during a massage helps the muscle fibers to release the tension they accumulate.

Effects on skeletal system

• Massage can help increase mobility of the joints, reducing any thickening of the connective tissue, and helping release movement restrictions

• Helps release adhesions, break down scar tissue and decrease inflammation. As a result, it can help restore the range of motion of stiff joints.

• Massage improves muscle tone and balance, reduces physical stress accumulated in muscles and joints.

Effects on the muscular system

• Massage relieves muscle tightness, stiffness, spasms and restrictions on muscle tissue.
• Increases flexibility in muscles due to muscle relaxation.

• Increases blood circulation by bringing more oxygen and nutrients into the muscle. This reduces fatigue and muscle pain.

• Promotes rapid removal of toxins and waste products from muscles.


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