The term sciatica describes the symptoms of leg pain (tingling, numbness or weakness) that begin in the lower back and pass through the buttocks and the major sciatic nerve in the back of the leg.
Sciatica is often characterized by the presence of one or more of the following symptoms:
Constant pain in a buttock or one leg
Pain that worsens when sitting
Burning or tingling down the leg
Weakness, numbness or difficulty moving leg or foot
Constant pain in a buttock
Sharp pain that may make it difficult to stand or walk
The sciatic nerve begins in the lower back in the lumbar segment number 3 (L3).
The symptoms of sciatica differ depending on the part of the compressed nerve. For example, a compression of the nerve in the fifth lumbar segment (L5) can cause weakness in the extension of the big toe and potentially in the ankle
Therapeutic massage.
Certain forms of massage therapy have demonstrated several benefits for back pain, including enhanced blood circulation, muscle relaxation and release of endorphins (the body’s natural painkillers).
A common symptom of pyriform syndrome is pain that passes through the sciatic nerve, and so piriformis is often believed to cause sciatica. However, pyriform syndrome is not the result of a disc extending beyond its usual place within the spine, compressing or irritating the nerve root – so it is not, technically, sciatica. In piriformis syndrome, it is the same piriformis muscle that irritates the sciatic nerve and causes sciatic pain.
The piriformis muscle is located inside the hip, very close to the sciatic nerve. When the pyriform muscle becomes inflamed, it can irritate the sciatic nerve. This irritation leads to sciatic pain, with symptoms of tingling and numbness that pass from the lower back to the back, and sometimes down the leg and down to the foot.
Pyriform muscle stretching exercises
It is almost always necessary to massage the pyramidal muscle and stretch the piriformis muscle to relieve the pain that passes through the sciatic nerve.
Several stretching exercises of the piriformis muscle, hamstring muscles, and extensor muscles of the hip can be used to reduce pain symptoms that pass through the sciatic nerve and restore the patient’s range of motion.
If you have been diagnosed with Piriformis Syndrome that causes damage to the nerve with low back pain, buttocks and back leg, make your appointment and request deep tissue + hot stone (50 or 80 minutes) deep tissue massage, Combination of heat and cold and stretches will help you significantly.
Make an Appointment at
Thank you for all you do for me!! I can’t thank Lori Stauffer enough for giving me your name and You for doing the Amazing job you do to help me get back on track with my pain. Have a Great Day!! I will see you again soon.
Thank you annette, but for me the greatest satisfaction is that you feel better of your pain.
Thank you once again for your sincere thanks and I wish you and your family a very happy day. Caso