Scientific basis of massage as a therapy (Part 2)

Scientific basis of massage as a therapy ( Part 2)
By Andy Caso

In the early 19th century, Swedish gymnast Peter Henrik Ling  _Ling described his applications in traumas, muscle fatigue and post-operative problems.
In the nineteenth century massage was in vogue in Western Europe and North America, many studies and publications on its benefits.

All this led to manual techniques being the main form of therapeutic medicine until the pharmaceutical revolution of the 1940s in the 20th century. Still, the research continued, and these were growing as confidence in the infallibility of drugs was lost. The massage was regaining and increasing its acceptance within the medicine, as evidenced by the creation of T.R.I. Of Miami that we mentioned.

Today the evidence of history tells us that it works as therapy.


The manipulation of the skin stimulates the production and local release of neurotransmitters that produce vasodilation and an increase in temperature. The heat softens the tissues and increases the elasticity of the skin.

The formation of histamine and other substances in the circulatory system
Travel through the blood and lymphatic to the whole body exerting changes significantly increasing circulation in skin and muscles; A result that is also achieved thanks to the opening of the capillaries by the mechanical action of the massage.
The lymphatic circulation is also benefited. These effects lead to better body relaxation, and a decrease in blood pressure.

The massage in the muscular system propitiates the nutrition of the muscles very important for the recovery in the capacity of neuromuscular work. . This results in reduced fatigue, and more effective muscle activity and coordination by improving neuromuscular maintenance capacity.
The massage relaxes the stressed muscles, which in turn stop putting pressure on the lymphatic and blood vessels
Massage has a selective soothing effect, because by eliminating the wastes from the cells, the venous and capillary systems are opened, simultaneously entering large amounts of oxygen and nutrients, which will improve the functional state of the muscles.



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Scientific basis of massage as therapy

It is undeniable that massage has always been a healing method. In the 21st century, in the middle of a scientific era, psychiatrist James Gordon says that “massage is a medicine”, massage really has therapeutic effects.


T.R.I. (Touch Research Institute, ie Touch Research Institute) in Miami in E.E.U.U. Began with his research in 1982, was formally established by its director Dr. Tiffany Field in 1992. It is the first institute that gave itself totally to the investigation of this discipline only
It is precisely from publications of the research efforts of the T.R.I. Of Miami that we conformed much of our theoretical base .:

Well-applied massage is a powerful therapeutic tool that works with homeostasis

There are about 5 million touch receptors in our skin that send nerve impulses to the brain through the spinal cord.
When performing a massage the patient receives information, which induces modifications in his body and his mind.

The first written document on masotherapy is Chinese and is 3,000 years old. Hindus, Egyptians and ancient Persians had their manual techniques; There are Egyptian references that date from the XXII century A.C. For Babylonian-Assyrian medicine the massage was considered useful for attacking the evil of the body, and the Persians had chapters on massage in their medical writings.

With the arrival of the Renaissance, Hippocratic therapeutic techniques were revalued.
To be continued,,,
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Prenatal massage

Prenatal massage aims at relaxation of mind and body, pain relief and making you feel better.

The prenatal masseuse will know and take into account that, during pregnancy, the center of gravity shifts, causing the neck, back and shoulders to be subjected to greater tension.

Reduces low back pain

One of the most common discomforts during pregnancy is low back and back pain. Indeed, the increased weight and pressure of the baby can cause the muscles to feel more loaded and, therefore, the pregnant woman suffers discomfort and pain.

Also, the development of the baby will cause the uterus to increase in size and the center of gravity to shift. In this way, the position of the pregnant woman changes and, consequently, will overload the muscles of the lumbar and back.

In this sense, prenatal massage can help reduce excess tension on these muscles, relaxing them. Thus, low back pain may decrease after the application of this type of massage, as in certain studies.

Reduces foot and leg pain

Leg pain in pregnancy

A massage focused on the leg area reduces pressure in this area due to weight gain and fluid retention.
Like lower back pain, leg and foot pain during pregnancy is very common, especially during the last trimester.

Indeed, during pregnancy, the blood flow in the body increases and, in addition, the increase in weight causing veins and arteries to compress, affecting circulation. If you added the fluid retention typical of this stage and tiredness, it is normal for pregnant women to suffer from tired legs, including cramps.

To prevent this discomfort, it is recommended to maintain good hydration and walk, avoiding a sedentary lifestyle. In addition, it is recommended to practice relaxation techniques and stretching of the muscles involved.

In this sense, prenatal massages are ideal to collaborate in the reduction of these discomforts: they seek relaxation in general and, in addition, that of the leg muscles.

Prenatal massage can reduce the risk of preterm delivery
Depression and anxiety during pregnancy can be associated with a higher rate of fetal activity and premature births. In this sense, since some studies have determined that prenatal massage can reduce cortisol levels, they are related to reduced levels of stress and anxiety and an improvement in depression.

Massages are healthy by reducing stress and promoting the overall well-being of the pregnant woman.

Massage relieves normal pregnancy discomfort. Some of its benefits are:

Prenatal massages improve a woman’s mood, and also improve her cardiovascular health.

Due to increased edemas problems or joint swelling, massage is ideal for stimulating soft tissue, thereby reducing fluid retention and improving blood circulation.

A large number of women present pain in the ciatica, either in the area of ​​the splendid low or in the pyramidal muscle below the buttocks. The massage relaxes and helps to relieve these pains.

It also benefits from back pain, stiff neck and leg cramps. In addition, during pregnancy, massage reduces stress on joints that support weight, stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation, helps relaxation, sleep better, and may even relieve depression or anxiety caused by hormonal changes.

Many professionals consider that the best position for a pregnant woman during the massage is lying on her side. This position, and the use of cushions or soft pillows as a support to relieve the tension of the lower back and the pelvis, can be comfortable. .


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The benefits of massage on the skin.

The skin is the largest organ of our body, and the first that comes in contact with the massage.

It benefits the skin, elasticizing and increasing its regeneration capacity.

The skin, with the massage recovers plasticity, and is cleaned.

By improving the blood circulation of the subcutaneous tissue, the regeneration of the skin is of higher quality. Rejuvenates the skin

The massage favors the keratinization of the skin, it grows from the deepest layers to the epidermis, with the massage we will remove the dead cells from the outside of the skin.

In addition to nourishing the skin with a greater supply of oxygen and nutrients, we will find after several sessions with younger and stronger skin.

Benefits of Massage for Diabetes

Studies conducted at the Institute of Touch Research, located at the University of Miami School of Medicine, found that massage therapy may be helpful in lowering blood sugar
Research conducted at Duke University of Medicine has also shown that stress-relieving techniques such as massages can help lower blood sugar in diabetic patients.

Poor blood circulation is common in diabetic patients.
The massage helps to stimulate the flow of blood, in turn, facilitating the circulation of oxygen and nutrients to the different tissues of the body.

Diabetes impedes blood flow, and when it affects muscles, it can cause cramps and stiffness, therefore greatly restricts mobility. Massage therapy that involves applying pressure to the soft tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments) helps improve flexibility as it increases blood flow to these areas of the body. Therefore, with regular massage, patients with diabetes may experience increased mobility in general.

Receiving a full body massage can work wonders to reduce stress levels and promote a general sense of well-being. A massage relieves anxiety, relieves stress, and infuses a sense of relaxation. All this can contribute to the improvement of physical and mental health.

I advise diabetics (type 2) to eat a diet low in carbohydrates, limited in protein and abundant in healthy fats, omega 3, such as fish (tuna, bonito, sardines, salmon) unrefined coconut oil Virgin olive oil, virgin olive oil …
No sugar or sweeteners. Diabetics can use stevia that does not raise blood sugar levels. Yes, check with your doctor.

Citalgia. Sciatic nerve affected.

If you have already been diagnosed with citalgia, either by compression of lumbar discs or by pyramidal syndrome and your doctor has advised you to massage therapy, then we recommend that you look for an accredited therapeutic massage therapist.
Sciatica is caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve, this irritation of the nerve can be reflected in a symptomatology of continued pain, functional impotence or muscular atrophy, in addition there are many muscles such as the gluteus minor whose active trigger points can give a very pain annoying.
The sciatic nerve begins at the lumbar region and low at the back of each leg. This nerve controls the muscles of the back of the knee and lower leg region. It also provides sensitivity to the back of the thigh, part of the lower leg region and the sole,
Is usually affected by two main causes, a compression at the level of the nerve root caused by a lumbar hernia or a compression produced by a spasm or excessive tension of the pyramidal muscle, the nerve has a very close step has this small muscle and there are also Anatomical differences since sometimes it can pass more or less near the pyramid or even cross it between its fibers.

To relieve these pains from physical therapy we can do the following.

1.- Massage back, legs, deep tissue massage in the area of ​​buttocks and pyramidal muscle, stretching.

2.- Combined stretching of the psoas and hamstring.

Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage, created by Swedish physician Henrik Ling, is one of the techniques popular in the world’s oldest and massages.

One way to oxygenate the body, remove toxins and stress by increasing blood circulation.

Some benefits of Swedish massage:

• Relaxes muscle tensions.
• Improves circulation.
• Improves cardiovascular activity.
• Relieves pain due to muscle strain, sciatica, and hard joints.
• Improves or eliminates cellulite condition.
• Stimulates oxygenation of the skin and tissues.
• Improves nervous system health.
• Reduce stress.

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Manual Lymph Drainage

Benefits of massage for anxiety.

Benefits of massage for anxiety.

Relaxing massage provides a number of immediate benefits for physical and mental health, recommends doing it on a regular basis.
Helps to relax muscles, eliminate contractures and the muscular tension produced by the stress, produces an immediate relief to the headache produced by the tension in neck and shoulders. In addition it helps to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression like insomnia or the feeling of not having rested, increases the level of serotonin in the body which is a neurotransmitter is related to depression.

It acts positively on the lymphatic system eliminating toxins and improving the immune system, contributing a greater amount of oxygen and aesthetically eliminates dead skin cells for a more beautiful and healthy skin.

Effects of Massage on Metabolism

Effects of Massage on Metabolism:

All of us know that massage increases the temperature of the treated area, increasing blood flow and more oxygen, positively influencing metabolic activity. Beneficial changes also occur in the balance of hormones and neurotransmitters.

Decreases blood levels of cortisol (stress hormone) and excess catecholamines (related to high blood pressure and stress).

Decreases blood levels of creatine kinase residues after exercise. Increases serotonin (neurotransmitter). Increases melatonin (the hormone of youth).

Massage increases the production of endorphins (the so-called “internal morphine” because of its similar chemical structure and, therefore, the same effects of analgesia and well-being), when the patient has pains, as if the body knew when they needed them Endorphins.

Effects of Massage on the Muscular System

Effects of Massage on the Muscular System:

The massage has a fundamental role in the nutrition of the muscles, very important for the recovery of the neuromuscular work. This process is due to the improvement of the metabolism in the muscles and to the acetylcholine, released.

Muscle vessels are dilated by the release of histamine, increasing the temperature of the tissues undergoing massage which the speed of contraction of muscles. \
This results in reduced fatigue, and more effective muscle coordination and activity by improving neuromuscular maintenance capacity.

The massage manages to relax the stressed muscles, which in turn stop exerting pressure on the lymphatic and blood vessels, aiding the expulsion of histamine and adrenaline.

The massage has a calming effect, because by eliminating the wastes of the cells causes the venous and capillary systems to open, simultaneously entering great amount of oxygen and nutrients, that will greatly improve the state of the muscles. Massage helps to achieve greater muscle strength, decreases muscle pain and also the intensity of pain after exercise.